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Terms & Conditions


**Disclosure Statement: Cryptocurrency Consulting and Advisory Service**


Welcome to Degenesis, a cryptocurrency consulting and advisory service specializing in creating Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) for tokens on the Solana blockchain. Before engaging our services, please carefully review the following disclosures:


1. **Risk of Investment**: Investing in cryptocurrencies and participating in IDOs involves inherent risks, including but not limited to market volatility, regulatory changes, technological risks, and potential loss of investment. There is no guarantee of profit or return on investment.


2. **Regulatory Compliance**: Degenesis operates in compliance with applicable laws and regulations governing cryptocurrencies, securities, and financial transactions in jurisdictions where our services are offered. Clients are responsible for understanding and complying with local regulations.

3. **Consulting Services**: We provide advisory services for the creation and execution of IDOs on the Solana blockchain. Our services include smart contract development, tokenomics advisory, technical support, and strategic guidance tailored to your project's needs.

4. **AML/KYC Procedures**: Degenesis implements robust Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures to verify the identity of clients and participants. We adhere to strict confidentiality and data protection standards.


5. **No Financial Advice**: Degenesis does not provide financial, legal, or tax advice. Our services are for informational and educational purposes only. Clients should seek independent advice from qualified professionals regarding their specific financial and legal situations.


6. **Limitation of Liability**: Degenesis and its affiliates are not liable for any losses, damages, or liabilities arising from the use of our services, participation in IDOs, or reliance on information provided on our website or during consultations.

7. **Intellectual Property**: All intellectual property rights related to the services provided, including smart contracts and advisory materials, belong to Degenesis unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

8. **Website Usage**: By accessing our website and utilizing our services, you agree to comply with our terms of service, privacy policy, and all applicable laws and regulations. We reserve the right to modify or update these disclosures and policies at any time.

9. **Contact Us**: For inquiries regarding our services, compliance with regulations, or to request additional information, please contact us on telegram.

10. **Acceptance**: By engaging our services or accessing our website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and disclosures outlined herein.

Thank you for choosing Degenesis for your cryptocurrency consulting needs. We are committed to providing transparent and compliant services to help you navigate the complexities of blockchain technology and token offerings on the Solana blockchain.




**Initial DEX Offering Agreement**


This Initial DEX Offering Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between:



[Client's Legal Name]

[Client's Address]

[Client's Contact Information]




[DeGenesis's Address]

[DeGenesis's Contact Information]




The Client desires to engage DeGenesis for the creation and execution of an Initial DEX Offering ("IDO") on the Solana blockchain for a token issued by the Client. DeGenesis possesses the necessary expertise and capabilities to provide the required services.


**1. Scope of Services:**


1.1 DeGenesis agrees to provide the following services ("Services"):


- Development and deployment of smart contracts necessary for the IDO on the Solana blockchain.

- Integration of necessary security measures and auditing of smart contracts.

- Technical support for the IDO launch and initial trading phase.

- Advisory services related to tokenomics and liquidity management.


**2. Pre-Launch Phase:**


2.1 In addition to the Scope of Services outlined above, DeGenesis will provide the following pre-launch services ("Pre-Launch Phase"):


- **1 Hour Live Consultation:** DeGenesis will provide a live consultation session to discuss the IDO strategy, tokenomics, and project planning.


- **White Paper Copywriting:** DeGenesis will assist in drafting and refining the white paper detailing the project's technical and business aspects.


- **Graphic Design Creation:** DeGenesis will create necessary graphic assets, including logos, banners, and promotional materials, aligned with the project's branding.


- **Website Development:** DeGenesis will develop a basic informational website for the IDO project, including integration with necessary functionalities.


- **Social Media Account Setup:** DeGenesis will set up and configure necessary social media accounts, including Telegram, to facilitate community engagement.


- **Collect Pre-Sale Contributions:** DeGenesis will assist in setting up mechanisms to collect pre-sale contributions from early investors interested in participating in the IDO.


- **Launch Announcement:** DeGenesis will assist in preparing and disseminating an official launch announcement across relevant platforms and communities.


**3. Launch Phase:**


3.1 The Client agrees to pay DeGenesis 10 SOL for the Launch Phase services, which include:


- **Token Minting:** DeGenesis will handle the minting process for the token as per the agreed specifications.


- **Revoke Freeze Authority:** DeGenesis will ensure that the freeze authority for the token is appropriately revoked post-launch.


- **Revoke Mint Authority:** DeGenesis will revoke minting authority to prevent any further issuance of tokens beyond the initial allocation.


- **Buy/Sell Tax 0%:** DeGenesis will configure the tokenomics parameters to reflect a 0% tax rate on buy/sell transactions, as agreed.


- **Sniper Bot Setup:** DeGenesis will set up necessary defenses against sniper bots to safeguard the launch and initial trading phase.


- **Copy Trade Bot Setup:** DeGenesis will assist in setting up copy trade bots to enhance liquidity provision and market stability.


- **Liquidity Pool Genesis:** DeGenesis will oversee the setup of the liquidity pool and ensure initial liquidity provision.


- **LP Token Burn:** DeGenesis will facilitate the burning of LP tokens to ensure transparency and fairness in liquidity provision.


- **Distribute Tokens to 25 Wallets:** DeGenesis will distribute tokens to 25 designated wallets as part of the initial token allocation strategy.


**4. Post-Launch Phase:**


4.1 After the successful launch of the IDO, DeGenesis will provide the following post-launch services ("Post-Launch Phase"):


- **Community Moderators:** DeGenesis will recruit and manage community moderators to foster engagement and maintain order within community channels.


- **Raid Team:** DeGenesis will assemble a raid team to address and mitigate potential security threats and attacks on the token and its ecosystem.


- **Web Administrator:** DeGenesis will appoint a web administrator to oversee ongoing maintenance and updates of the project's official website.


- **X Administrator:** DeGenesis will assign an administrator to manage miscellaneous tasks and administrative duties as needed.


- **Telegram Administrator:** DeGenesis will manage the Telegram community, handle inquiries, and ensure compliance with community guidelines.


- **Vetted Callers:** DeGenesis will vet and select trusted individuals to act as official project representatives for media appearances and community engagements.


- **Host Spaces:** DeGenesis will organize and host virtual spaces such as AMAs (Ask Me Anything) and educational sessions to interact with the community.


- **Token Enhancement:** DeGenesis will continuously explore opportunities for token enhancements, including utility upgrades and feature integrations.


- **Trending Ads:** DeGenesis will run targeted advertising campaigns to promote the token and increase visibility across relevant platforms.


- **Content Contests:** DeGenesis will organize and manage content creation contests to encourage community participation and creativity.


**5. Payment Options:**


5.1 Payment for the Services provided under this Agreement can be made in the following ways:


- **Solana (SOL):** Payment can be sent to wallet address 72dfLgqcRE9xVMC5D1z4Cfoer7PtX67Yd1EmsMp3ms8B.

- **Credit Card:** Payment can be processed through the DeGenesis website using a credit card.


**6. Additional Phases and Services:**


6.1 Each additional week of Post-Launch Phase services beyond the initial agreement will require an additional payment of 7 SOL, to be made before work commences.


6.2 Additional services beyond those outlined in this Agreement may be purchased upon request, subject to mutual agreement on scope and pricing.


**7. Risk Acknowledgment:**


7.1 The Client acknowledges and accepts full responsibility for the risks associated with investing in and creating a cryptocurrency. The Client understands and agrees that there is no guarantee of profit or revenue from the IDO or the token issuance.


7.2 DeGenesis and its representatives are not liable for any losses, hacks, or other unknown factors that may occur in relation to the IDO, token issuance, or subsequent operations.


**8. Compliance with Laws:**


8.1 The Client agrees to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines in relation to the IDO, token issuance, and operation of the token ecosystem.


**9. Ownership and Intellectual Property:**


9.1 All intellectual property rights, including but not limited to smart contracts developed during the engagement, shall belong to the Client.


**10. Confidentiality:**


10.1 Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or sensitive information disclosed during the course of this engagement.


**11. Indemnification:**


11.1 Each party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the other party from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of or related to their respective performance under this Agreement.


**12. Termination:**


12.1 Either party may terminate this Agreement with [Number] days' written notice. In the event of termination, DeGenesis shall be compensated for work completed up to the date of termination.


**13. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution:**


13.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising under this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in [City], in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Service].


**14. Miscellaneous:**


14.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Initial DEX Offering Agreement as of the date first written above.





[Client's Name]


Date: _______________





[DeGenesis's Name]


Date: _______________



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